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Indulge in the essence and rich taste of matcha green tea with this limited edition Otona no Amasa Matcha KitKat. It features wafers smothered in rich, green tea matcha-flavored chocolate.
- Japanese version Kit Kats, unique Matcha flavor
- Product of Japan

The Japanese really have taken Kit Kat chocolate to a whole new level, with endless amounts of rich, imaginative flavor ideas and amazing package designs. Are you bored of the regular Kit Kats you find in your local grocery store? Try some Japanese editions, you won't be disappointed.
Otona no Amasa:Otona no Amasa is a variation on the traditional chocolate bar produced by Nestle. While Otona no Amasa means 'sweetness for adults', the series actually offers flavors that can be appreciated by everyone. Strong Matcha Flavor, Chocolate Strawberry flavor.
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